Keep Calm and Love Ladybugs

Spring is on its way…

Where does the time go? It seems like we were just packing up the holiday décor and celebrating the new year…and now it’s already the end of February 2017! Spring is on its way and I’m ready for the longer days and hopefully a more relaxed pace. My current mantra is: Keep Calm and Love […]

How to Make 2017 a Great Year!

New Year’s Dream Chart

How to Make 2017 a Great Year! Another year is ending. Are you ready for the new year? Since this is the final post for 2016, I thought it would be fitting to post a recap with some of LadyBug Blog’s 2016 highlights and to share my personal dream chart for 2017. Look for a […]

How to Share the Santa Spirit

Christmas Traditions for Families with Little Ones

Christmas is a special time and has many traditions that tend to be passed down from generation to generation. The anticipation and preparation for Christmas are part of the fun with the festivities and customs related to this holiday season. When two families combine, the couple often takes some, or all, of their respective traditions […]

The Science Behind Pixar

Special Exhibit at the California Science Center

Toy Story | Bug’s Life | Toy Story 2 | Monsters, Inc. | Finding Nemo The Incredibles | Cars | Ratatouille | Wall-E | UP | Toy Story 3 | Cars 2 Brave | Monsters University | Inside Out | The Good Dinosaur | Finding Dory PIXAR has become synonymous with state of the art […]

LadyBug Blog’s 1 Year “Blogiversary”

Year-in-Review & What’s on the Horizon…

A year ago today, May 10th, I launched this blog and it’s been a memorable year. I’ve learned a lot about blogging, social media, and discovering my voice. Writing this blog has also helped me develop “new core memories”, to borrow a term from the movie Inside Out. I’m learning about the back end of […]